EV Chargers
Serving Los Angeles & San Fernando Valley Area
24/7 Emergency Service Available

As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow and the technology powering them advances, the need for a way to charge these vehicles increases as well. When you need EV charger installation our team is prepared to work with you and help you find the perfect solution for your EV Charging needs.
How to Choose Your EV Charger
Just as there are many types of electric vehicles, there are many types of chargers as well. Finding the right charger for you will mean determining what your vehicle needs, as well as what your existing electrical system can handle.
Electric vehicle chargers are broken up into three main categories:
Level 1 charger: This simple unit is usually included with the purchase of your electric vehicle, and plugs into a standard 120-volt outlet. Depending on the capacity of your vehicle’s battery, it takes around 12 hours to reach a full charge. This is a good option for those who do not spend much time driving, but may not be ideal for those who are more on-the-go – particularly here in Los Angeles.
Level 2 charger: The next step up allows for much faster charging, with vehicles reaching a full charge in 4-6 hours. However, because they require 240 volts to operate, installing one of these systems may also require you to upgrade your property’s electrical panel.
Level 3 Charger: The top tier of electric vehicle chargers, also known as a DC Fast Charger, will have your electric vehicle battery topped off in the amazing time of 30 minutes to an hour. The level 3 charger may be unnecessary for most homeowners who drive less than 30 miles a day, but are the perfect fit for businesses that need to keep their electric vehicles operable throughout the day.